Book Thingo is one long conversation about books. It’s for readers, browsers and compulsive book hoarders, mostly of romance novels. We read other books—sometimes we even talk about them—but the romance genre is our first love, so that’s where we mostly hang out.

Book Thingo posts are written by readers down under, which may encompass the tropics, depending on where you live. Most of us are Aussies, though, so just remember that we had Hugh Jackman first and you can’t keep him.

Who’s in charge of this Thingo?

Kat runs the site, so blame her for everything. Wandergurl, Decadence, Envyious, Jen, Gabby and Jodi are regular bloggers on the site. The plan is to invite various regular and guest contributors to talk about books. Feel free to shower them with praise so they’ll come back and post again.

Do we really need another reader blog?

Yes, so that we can justify our book habit. Seriously, we love to talk books with other people, so the more the merrier. You can call it a review site, if you like, but we (and by that, I mean me—Kat) freely admit that half the time we’re just waffling on about stuff we love. Hopefully in an entertaining way.

Also, we talk about summer reads when it’s, you know, actually summer in the Southern Hemisphere. We can’t help it if half the world has its seasons the wrong way ’round.

Beyond reading

You can probably expect rants and musings and the odd tangential post. We’re also interested in local book news, events, bookstores and general book-related stuff that’s going on in our part of the world. So if you have a news tip or a local event that you think we’d be interested in, let us know.

What have fairies ever done to us?

You may have heard that some of our bloggers are avid fairy killers. Don’t be alarmed! All it means is that we read the back of the book first. Maybe this alarms you even more? :-D When we started discussing this behaviour on Twitter, some other readers were so shocked it was as if we had killed innocent fairies. Hence, the term. You can read Kat’s justification for fairy killing here.

Romance fiction primer

Here are some posts to get you started: