#LoveRomance – Because in our books women always win

#LoveRomance – Because in our books women always win

In romance, the heroine — pure or promiscuous — gets to decide if the hero is worthy of her love.  

This week, we’re asking readers who plan to attend SWF to leave specially designed postcards at common areas, empty seats and any other places that other attendees might serendipitously find them. If you plan to attend SWF and would like to help out by leaving postcards in places other readers might find them, send an email to kat@bookthingo.com.au.

SWF OFFER: If you find a #LoveRomance postcard at the Sydney Writers’ Festival, tweet a selfie with the postcard to @MoonlightMoment and they’ll send you a free ebook bundle! More details here. Thank you to the fabulous folks at Momentum for this impromptu yet totally awesome offer!

We have saved the best for last in our final #loveromance cover reveal. This would not be a complete set without a glorious historical cover featuring windswept locks, satin gown and half-naked hero. The only thing missing is the stepback cover — we shall leave that to your imagination!

This cover remix features Tess of the D’Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented by Thomas Hardy. I confess: I haven’t read this book. Because no amount of salacious text can make up for a plot in which a woman is continually victimised by the power that men hold over her. I expect more from men in fiction, and my favourite heroines do, too. My favourite romances are the ones where the heroine gets to decide if the hero is worthy of her love. So that when she decides to recklessly throw away her strength, so does he.

#LoveRomance - Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy cover remix designed by Jennifer Wu

You can check out some quotes from the book here, and you can download the book from Project Gutenberg. (Note: Definitely not a romance.)

This postcard was designed by the superlatively fabulous Jennifer Wu. You can find out more about her work here.


  1. Brilliant:) Is there any chance we can get a hold of copies of these later? I’d love to have this one on a coffee mug;) It’d put my Penguin Classics version to shame!

  2. This is magnificent. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with Tess. There were times through the novel I’d scream at her ‘don’t be such a victim!’.

    I know that you’ve probably completed the set, but it would be fun to see Gone With The Wind presented as a menage…

  3. Jen says:

    @Georgina, I have made some merchandise available in my shop, including mugs! http://www.society6.com/hullojen

    @Elizabeth Gone with the Wind as a menage is a fantastic and perverse idea, I love it! Don’t think we can use it yet though as it still remains under copyright in Australia … That said, I am continuing the series of cover remixes, so keep an eye out for that. :)

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